Transparency is key

We believe spent contributions should be accounted for in this non-profit and that’s exactly why we pledge to share our financials for every effort. You, our loyal patrons, will have transparency into how our funds are utilized and for what efforts. When you donate to Watches for Good, you should have a sense of pride and comfort that there’s accountability.


Every child deserves the right to an education which is why we’re committed to volunteering and providing schools across the world with the proper resources they need. We believe this support can come in various forms: supplemental tutoring, assistance with technology in purchasing laptops, school supplies, and more.


Watches for Good hopes to help combat hunger worldwide as every human life is equally important regardless of race, religion, gender, or geographic location; we are here to serve the world.

COVID has disrupted food supply chains in the some of the world’s largest producing markets, namely India. According to the 2020 Global Hunger Index, India ranks 94/107 measured across undernourishment, child wasting, child stunting, and child mortality. Countries in Africa, like Chad, have taken the top spot as COVID continues to hammer out global food chain.


Through the guidance of medical experts on our Board of Advisors, we seek to help provide medical supplies and aid to people in abject poverty-stricken areas and where people need help the most.

Humanitarian Aid

We focus on equipment, goods, and supplies that will keep people safe in shelters and protect them against malicious forces. Most notably, for the Ukraine effort we provided items such as bulletproof vests, helmets, and armor to help protect women, children, and civilians from bombings and missile attacks that could harm them.